This section explains you as to how you should build your
resume in SelcoHR Job Portal. Hence, we urge you to read and
understand the instructions well before start filling the
information. Your success in securing an employment abroad
depends on how ‘informative’ you are while filling
in the information.
As you are going to apply for job overseas, compile the resume
providing detailed information. Remember, this is the most
significant self-presentation document, based on which the
employer shall decide on your appropriateness to the applied
position. So, make it clear, impressive and well organized.
Your aim must be to build a clear picture for the reader (potential
employer/ sponsor).
In order to make this process easier, please follow these
1. The Resume Builder has several sections, viz:
- Preferences
- Personal Details
- Travel and other Identification Details Section
- Work Experience
- Academic / Educational Qualifications
- Professional / Technical Qualifications
- Other Qualifications
- Language Proficiency
- Other Information
2. Preferences Section. Here you can fill in your Job, Country,
Salary preferences. Try to be as accurate as possible. These
information are used as search criteria by potential employers.
3. Fill in the required information in Personal Details section and Travel and other Identification Section.
4. Work Experience: We have provided space to fill any number
of employments. If you have only one experience, press [Save
& Go to Next] button and proceed. If you have more than
one experience, press [Add More] and add the next experience.
While entering experience, start with the present employment
and go backwards, mentioning time period you were working
for every employer and provide the name, country and city
of each employer. Give brief description of the employer –
the type and size of the organization and their activities.
Select the major category of the Employer. If the category
is not listed, select [New Trade] and type in the Trade. Next,
select the Title of your position. If the positions is not
listed, select [New Title] and type in the Title. Next supply
data reflecting significance and weight of your responsibilities
in every position to evaluate your growth and potentiality.
Do not forget to include detailed description of your duties
and responsibilities. If you already have these information
electronically, you may cut and paste the same. Please note
– the employer is interested in your work experience
and skills rather than personal features.
5. Academic / Educational Qualification Section. Fill in
your highest Academic/Educational qualification. Type the
name, place and country of the institution.
6. Professional / Technical Qualifications Section. If you
possess, other Professional/Technical Qualifications, fill
in relevant information.
7. Other Qualifications Section. If you possess other qualifications,
which may or may not relevant to the job(s) you are seeking,
you may fill in here.
8. Language Proficiency Section. Tell the employer about
your language skills, because it is important as you are applying
for job abroad. Indicate your mother tongue followed by other
languages starting with ENGLISH. Indicate EXCELLENT, VERY
GOOD, GOOD or BASIC. Try to be objective while evaluating
- Reading, Writing and Speaking abilities, even if basic.
9. Other Information Section. You can use this section to
add any other information you wish to provide. Give a Title
and type information in the box provided. This may include
your achievements, publications, participation in seminars,
conferences, other skills such as computer skills, artistic
skills, social skills, organizational skills, technical skills,
literary, sports and other skills focusing on points and values
the employer may be interested in.
Please make sure that while compiling your resume, you have
included near all IMPORTANT information as requested on our
Good luck!